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Tips to help you drive safe in the monsoon

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Tips to help you drive safe in the monsoon

The monsoon season brings many obstacles for drivers along with it, such as potholes, thick fog, waterlogged roads and piles of mud or dirt. So, to ensure safe driving during the rains, it is important to keep certain things in mind while driving. As one of the best car leasing companies in India, we have put together these tips and precautions to help you drive safely in the monsoons.

It feels amazing to drive your vehicle when it's sunny outside and the roads are nice and smooth. However, it may get pretty risky and bothersome when it is raining and you have no idea what lies ahead of you, be it potholes, a pile of mud, or low visibility through heavy showers or thick fog. Just a minor mistake or an act of recklessness can not only damage your car but also lead to a major mishap. As a precautionary measure, you must ensure your vehicle is up to date with a thorough pre-season check-up on its battery, lights, tires, and ensure to carry an emergency kit along with you, always. 

Being one of the corporate car leasing companies in India, here are some things we suggest you should keep in mind while on the roads in the monsoons, to ensure safe driving

Take basic precautions while driving 
While you are driving in the monsoon season, it is essential that you take basic precautions to minimize the possibility of accidents. Keep your windshield wipers and headlights on, slow down when on wet roads to reduce the chances of skidding, avoid slamming on the brakes, avoid the use of cruise control, and make turns slowly and carefully.

Avoid moving or deep water
If you come across moving or deep water when on the road, there are many ways it can be problematic for you. You can get stuck, be swept away, or your car can get damaged. So, if the water is at a height above the bottom of your door, do not drive through it. Moreover, in such situations, either turn around and take an alternative route or if the road is blocked, pull over and wait until the water subsides or the situation gets back to normal. 

React fast to hydroplaning
Hydroplaning occurs when water comes in between the surface and the car’s wheels, which leads to a loss of friction that minimizes the possibility of controlling the vehicle. If this occurs, it is important to avoid panicking and turning the steering wheel. To ease it down, gently apply pressure on the brakes. 

Control the vehicle if it starts to skid 
It is normal to panic when your car suddenly begins to skid; but the solution is to keep calm and try to control the vehicle, by easing your foot off the accelerator and gently steering in the preferred direction. You can also prevent this by ensuring you gently apply the brakes before making a turn, and then take your foot off the brake just before completing the turn. 

Prevent water from entering the tailpipe 
If your vehicle has a manual transmission, put it on first gear and keep the engine running by releasing the clutch in a way that the gear is still engaged, and you are able to accelerate more than usual. This would keep exhausted gases going, thereby preventing water from getting into the tailpipe. 

Other than the safety pointers given above, there are a few more tips that you need to keep in mind to ensure safety in the rains, such as: 
●    Keep your tires inflated
●    Use your safety belt
●    Stay on the middle lanes 
●    Avoiding following big vehicles likes buses or trucks 
Following these simple tips and precautions will prepare you to prevent accidents and stay safe while driving during the monsoons.

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